
Jill Shelley Memorial Scholarship at Craven Community College

The Twin Rivers AAUW Scholarship began in 2001 and in 2005 was renamed the Jill Shelley Memorial Scholarship.  Jill was a branch president who died of cancer shortly after her term of office was completed.

Janet Gronosky and Kathy Banks, former members, were our leaders in establishing a local scholarship at Craven Community College.   As Financial Aid officer at the college, Kathy, felt that more funds were needed for students who did not enroll directly after high school or had started college and dropped out.  In 2001, AAUW established a scholarship for a female non-traditional student.

By 2016, our scholarship requirement changed to a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) Program student. Now all students can qualify for the scholarship as long as their major field of study is in a STEM program.

The college financial aid office screens applicants and sends the applications to our Scholarship Co-Chairs.  They select usually three or so for a personal interview at the college and then make their final selection.  The scholarship award is placed in an account at the college to be used by the student for tuition and books.

Branch STEM Project

Students apply and are selected to attend the Engineering Day Camp on the Havelock campus of Craven Community College.  This is a week long camp.

Since 2012, our branch has provided a scholarship for a local middle school girl to attend this camp.  The girl is selected by the camp directors from those eligible to attend the camp session.   This is a need based scholarship.